Sunday, November 22, 2020

No Naughty time for a week?!

Entry #3 11.22.20

Hewwo kitties~ I wanna do a short entry for this week of what happened in my Sub journal week. It's not always rainbows and butterflies in D/s relationship. We also have tough days as a couple. 

It's been pretty rough for us and because of that we are both not in the mood for naughty times. Okay I admit, I experienced the neediness halfway because it's my ovulation week 😆 but! I was able to resist touching myself for the rest of the week. (Means no naughty table update for me!) My body is used to being touched, edging, teasing, or cumming and suddenly stopping for a week uhm it's not that really hard. (even I had urges :P). When my emotions and feelings are affected, I don't think my mind and body will crave from sexual needs. 

I'm fine with a week of Abstinence from naughtiness. I wonder if I can also have the same control when I'm totally feeling fine. There are also days that I only want cuddles with my Daddy and those times are essential to us. We both consider cuddle time more important than our playtimes ^_^. 

Hihi so yes, I did a week without naughtiness and I didn't feel any that something is missing or lacking. My Daddy and I are fine again but I wonder if he's extending my abstinence. Hope not *giggles*.

(Please check out my other blogs too located at the upper right corner of your screen!)

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